Oil Portrait Painting Tips

Oil Portrait Painting Tips  7 


Framing Your Oil Portrait Painting


When a portrait is complete, you will have to present it in the most effective way possible. Choosing the right frame can really enhance an oil portrait but, equally, selecting the wrong frame can have an adverse effect, overpowering an image and not showing off the portrait to its best advantage. Therefore mounting and framing your oil portrait is something that you have to consider very carefully.


It is essential that you frame an oil portrait in a sympathetic way. A Van Dyck portrait which was painted in 1630, would look totally incongruous in a modern bright silver frame, just in the same way that a modern portrait would look quite wrong in an old-fashioned elaborate frame.

It is well worth taking a trip to your local art gallery or even the National Portrait Gallery to look at the way in which some important portraits have been framed. Notice how some are in elaborate gold and silver frames whereas others have simple wooden ones.

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